SWOT Analysis

SWOT Analysis-Event

SWOT Analysis for an Event-SWOT analysis is a tool used to identify internal issues and external factors that affect our ability to market our event.

Strengths and Weaknesses of Event
To identify the strengths and weaknesses of the event, we must examine the issues in the organization that affect our ability to market and sell the event sponsors. Important areas that need to be explored is the perception of the Event Organizer itself to an event. If EO we view these events as priorities and opportunities to raise the profile of EO, then the event has become a strength. But if we view these events as a waste of resources, then the event has become a weakness.

Event Opportunities and Threats
The next step is to analyze all the factors outside the organization that may affect our event. This external analysis will help us identify opportunities and threats associated with the event. Immediately after determining the threats to our event, we can re-assess the situation and analyze how I change the threat into an opportunity.

For example, if we’re dealing with a festval for children, following external factors may affect our event:
– Weather
– There are larger events take place on the same day
– The lack of attendance at the event last year
– At least the number of children in the relevant age group in our database, etc.

It is important to focus on each of the threat of an event when we execute the plan, to ensure a successful event. Categorizing a threat will determine how we respond to threats to minimize their effects.

1. Monitor
The threat that we decided to “just be monitored” is the kind of threats that do not or can at least control, but do not have a major impact on the event. We just want to know what will happen.

2. Monitor and Analysis
The threat that we decided to “at the monitor and the analysis” is a threat that can be controlled a bit, but we need to make sure how these threats can affect our event.

3. Contingency Strategy
The threat that we decided to “in response to a contingency strategy”, is all the threats that we can reduce its influence with the planning. For example, if bad weather is a threat to the event outdoors, we can determine how we will handle it, delay the event, moved to an indoor, rain or slightly alter the handler concept.

4.In-depth Analysis and Strategy Development
The threat that we decided to “respond to the view in-depth analysis and strategy development” is all the threats that have the greatest chance to influence our event. Technological factors, competitors and legislative branches are examples of threats that may require analysis and strategy development more detail.

After all we have with good Event SWOT analysis, then we can determine the next steps for running the event had been planned, and it would be nice if we also can do a competitor analysis and marketing strategy of the event. translated from: